vii 1 7 31 49 57 73 84 95 111 124 133 146 159 177 187 197 212 227 243 254 256 261 273 284 293 300 306 CONTENTS Foreword Plenary Sessions Socio-Cultural Bases for Mathematical Education - Ubiratan D 'Ambrosio Reflection and Recursion - Jeremy Kilpatrick Discrete Mathematics - Renfrey Potts Action Groups 1. Early Childhood Years 2. Elementary School (Ages 7-12) 3. Junior Secondary School (Ages 11-16) 4. Senior Secondary School (Ages 15-19) 5. Tertiary (Post-Secondary) Institutions (18+) 6. Pre-Service Teacher Education 7. Mathematics in Adult, Technical and Vocational Education Theme Groups 1. Mathematics For All 2. The Professional Life of Teachers 3. The Role of Technology 4. Theory, Research and Practice in Mathematical Education 5. Curriculum Development 6. Applications and Modelling 7. Problem Solving Topic Areas 1. Evaluation, Examinations and Assessment 2. Competitions 3. The Teaching of Geometry 4. Relationship Between the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics 5. Language and Mathematics 6. Psychology of Mathematics Education 7. Research and Teaching 8. Theory of Mathematics Education 9. Teaching of Statistics 10. Women and Mathematics Invited Addresses Presidential Address - Jean-Pierre Kahane Public Forum 346 352 359 373 380 382 The Effects of Technology on Mathematics Education The Nature of Proof Debate: The Microcomputer: Miracle or Menace in Mathematics Education? Specially Invited Presentations The Work of ICMI List of Participants 315328