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The sparse cardinal sine decomposition and applications

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Auteurs : Alouges, François (Auteur de la Conférence)
CIRM (Editeur )

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Résumé : When solving wave scattering problems with the Boundary Element Method (BEM), one usually faces the problem of storing a dense matrix of huge size which size is proportional to the (square of) the number N of unknowns on the boundary of the scattering object. Several methods, among which the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) or the H-matrices are celebrated, were developed to circumvent this obstruction. In both cases an approximation of the matrix is obtained with a O(N log(N)) storage and the matrix-vector product has the same complexity. This permits to solve the problem, replacing the direct solver with an iterative method.
The aim of the talk is to present an alternative method which is based on an accurate version of the Fourier based convolution. Based on the non-uniform FFT, the method, called the sparse cardinal sine decomposition (SCSD) ends up to have the same complexity than the FMM for much less complexity in the implementation. We show in practice how the method works, and give applications in as different domains as Laplace, Helmholtz, Maxwell or Stokes equations.
This is a joint work with Matthieu Aussal.

Codes MSC :
65R10 - Integral transforms
65T40 - Trigonometric approximation and interpolation
65T50 - Discrete and fast Fourier transforms (numerical methods)

    Informations sur la Vidéo

    Langue : Anglais
    Date de publication : 26/08/16
    Date de captation : 24/08/16
    Sous collection : Research talks
    arXiv category : Numerical Analysis ; Physics
    Domaine : Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing ; Mathematics in Science & Technology
    Format : MP4 (.mp4) - HD
    Durée : 01:11:49
    Audience : Researchers
    Download : https://videos.cirm-math.fr/2016-08-24_Alouges.mp4

Informations sur la Rencontre

Nom de la rencontre : CEMRACS: Numerical challenges in parallel scientific computing / CEMRACS : Défis numériques en calcul scientifique parallèle
Organisateurs de la rencontre : Grigori, Laura ; Japhet, Caroline ; Moireau, Philippe ; Parnaudeau, Philippe
Dates : 18/07/16 - 26/08/16
Année de la rencontre : 2016
URL Congrès : http://conferences.cirm-math.fr/1430.html

Données de citation

DOI : 10.24350/CIRM.V.19034403
Citer cette vidéo: Alouges, François (2016). The sparse cardinal sine decomposition and applications. CIRM. Audiovisual resource. doi:10.24350/CIRM.V.19034403
URI : http://dx.doi.org/10.24350/CIRM.V.19034403


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