Auteurs : Rinot, Assaf (Auteur de la Conférence)
CIRM (Editeur )
Résumé :
The productivity of the -chain condition, where is a regular, uncountable cardinal, has been the focus of a great deal of set-theoretic research. In the 1970's, consistent examples of posets whose squares are not were constructed by Laver, Galvin, Roitman and Fleissner. Later, ZFC examples were constructed by Todorcevic, Shelah, and others. The most difficult case, that in which , was resolved by Shelah in 1997.
In the first part of this talk, we shall present analogous results regarding the infinite productivity of chain conditions stronger than . In particular, for any successor cardinal , we produce a ZFC example of a poset with precaliber whose power is not . To do so, we introduce and study the principle asserting the existence of a coloring satisfying a strong unboundedness condition.
In the second part of this talk, we shall introduce and study a new cardinal invariant for a regular uncountable cardinal . For inaccessible , may be seen as a measure of how far away is from being weakly compact. We shall prove that if , then , where:
(1) Cspec := { is a sequence over } , and
(2) is the least cardinal such that there exist and
b : with for every .
We shall also prove that if , then is greatly Mahlo, prove the consistency (modulo the existence of a supercompact) of , and carry a systematic study of the effect of square principles on the -sequence spectrum.
In the last part of this talk, we shall unveil an unexpected connection between the two principles discussed in the previous parts, proving that, for infinite regular cardinals if there is a closed witness to .
This is joint work with Chris Lambie-Hanson.
Keywords : knaster; precaliber; closed coloring; unbounded function
Codes MSC :
- Combinatorial set theory (logic)
- Consistency and independence results
- Applications
- Chain conditions, complete algebras
Ressources complémentaires :
Informations sur la Rencontre
Nom de la rencontre : 15th International Luminy Workshop in Set Theory / XVe Atelier international de théorie des ensembles Organisateurs de la rencontre : Dzamonja, Mirna ; Velickovic, Boban Dates : 23/09/2019 - 27/09/2019
Année de la rencontre : 2019
URL Congrès :
DOI : 10.24350/CIRM.V.19564303
Citer cette vidéo:
Rinot, Assaf (2019). Chain conditions, unbounded colorings and the -sequence spectrum. CIRM. Audiovisual resource. doi:10.24350/CIRM.V.19564303
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