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Documents Wanner, Gerhard 3 résultats

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- xlvi; 483 p.
Cote : 00035687
mathématiques industrielles # mathématiques appliquées # analyse numérique # mécanique # EDP # modélisation multi-échelles # problèmes non-linéaires # controlabilité # équation de Hamilton-Jacobi # mécanique des solides # problème de contact # inégalité de dissipation # algorithme de Greedy # echantillonage # espace de fonctions # optimisation # jeux déterministes

00Bxx ; 65-06 ; 74-06 ; 76-06 ; 35-06 ; 92-06 ; 00B25

Localisation : Colloque 1er étage (ZURI)

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- xvii; 644 p.
Cote : 00041131
intégration numérique # méthode de Runge-Kutta # équation différentielle # système hamiltonien # flot

65P10 ; 65Lxx ; 34Cxx ; 37Cxx ; 37M15 ; 37Jxx ; 70Fxx ; 65-02

Localisation : Ouvrage RdC (HAIR)

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- 1 vol. (X-377 p.)
Cote : 00041001
This book presents first-year calculus roughly in the order in which it first was discovered. The first two chapters show how the ancient calculations of practical problems led to infinite series, differential and integral calculus and to differential equations. The establishment of mathematical rigour for these subjects in the 19th century for one and several variables is treated in chapters III and IV. The text is complemented by a large number of examples, calculations and mathematical pictures and will provide stimulating and enjoyable reading for students, teachers, as well as researchers. From the reviews: The aim of this interesting new contribution to the series Readings in Mathematics is an attempt to restore the historical order in the presentation of basic mathematical analysis...such a historical approach can provide a very fruitful and interesting approach to mathematical analysis. - Jean Mawhin, Zentralblatt The authors include a large number of once-traditional subjects which have now vanished from the analysis curriculum, at least in the standard American courses. Thus we find continued fractions, elliptic integrals, the Euler-MacLaurin summation formula, etc., most of which are found only in more compendious works. Many of the exercises are inspired by original papers, with the bibliographic references sometimes given. The work is very well illustrated. The book is definitely an analysis text, rather than a history, but a great deal of reliable historical material is included. For those seeking an alternative to the traditional approach, it seems to me to be of great interest. - Thomas Archibald, Mathematical Reviews The authors...have assembled an impressive array of annotated results, quotations, tables, charts, figures and drawings, many copied from original documents....they write with great enthusiasm and with evident affection for both analysis and history. - John Troutman, American Mathematical Monthly[-]
This book presents first-year calculus roughly in the order in which it first was discovered. The first two chapters show how the ancient calculations of practical problems led to infinite series, differential and integral calculus and to differential equations. The establishment of mathematical rigour for these subjects in the 19th century for one and several variables is treated in chapters III and IV. The text is complemented by a large ...[+]
Mathematical analysis # Calcul différentiel # Calcul intégral # Riemann, Intégrale de # Fonctions continues # Intégrales multiples # Analyse mathématique # équation différentielle # série infinie # intégrale multiple

26-03 ; 01-01 ; 26-01 ; 01A05

Localisation : Ouvrage RdC (HAIRER)

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