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The Art of Working with the Mathieu Group M24

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Curtis, Robert T. (Principal)

Cambridge University Press


1 vol. (285 p.)



20D08 ; 20-02

The group M24 leads to the Leech lattice, leading to the largest Conway group, and thence to the Monster group. Every mathematician has heard of these structures; balancing theory and computation, the book explains where they come from, in a manner accessible to advanced undergraduates, research students and senior researchers

Publisher City : Cambridge

Language : English

Keywords : Théorie des groupes ; Groupes finis

EAN13 : 9781009405676

ISSN : 0950-6284

Collation : 24 cm#rel.

Series : Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics

Nb in series : 0232

Location : Collection 1er étage

Book type : Monographie

Availability : empruntable

Level of authorization : Public


Number of copies : 1
No. Call n° Bar code Commentary
1 00042032 00042032 [available]
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