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Conformal invariance and string theory
lectures delivered at the summer school
held at Poiana Brasov
Setp. 1-12

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Dita, Petre (Editor) ; Georgescu , Vladimir (Editor)

Academic Press Inc.




81T30 ; 82-XX

algèbre de Kac-Moody # déterminant # invariance conforme # mécanique statistique # quantique conforme # surface de Riemann # théorie de la chaine # théorie du champ

Publisher City : Boston ; N.Y. ; San Diego

Publisher country : États-Unis

Language : English

EAN13 : 9780122181009

ISBN : 0-12-218100-X

Collation : 24 cm ; 557 p. ; Bibliogr. ; fig. ; rel. ; xiii

Location : Colloque 1er étage (POIA)

Event Year : 1987

City of congres : Poiana Brasov

Country of congres : Roumanie

Conference type : Congrès

Availability : empruntable

Level of authorization : Public


Number of copies : 1
No. Call n° Bar code Commentary
1 C/POIA/1987 00015819 [available]
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