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Knots, braids, and mapping class groups :
papers dedicated to Joan S. Birman of his 70th birthday#proceedings of a conference in low dimensions topology held at Columbia University#March 14-15

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Gilman, Jane (Editor) ; Menasco, William W. (Editor) ; Lin, Xiao-Song (Editor)

American Mathematical Society


176 p.



42C40 ; 57-06 ; 00B30 ; 20-06

topologie de faible dimension # noeud # tresse # groupe automorphe # théorie des groupes # polynôme de Chebyshev # problème de Genus # fonction simplicite # polynôme de Kauffman # polynôme # homotopie # module de Skein

Publisher City : Providence

Language : English

EAN13 : 9780821829660

ISBN : 0-8218-2966-1

Collation : 26 cm#broch. ; Bibliogr.

Series : Studies in advanced mathematics (AMS/IP)

Nb in series : 0024

Location : Collection 1er étage

Event Year : 1998

City of congres : N.Y.

Country of congres : États-Unis

Conference type : Congrès

Availability : Disponible

Level of authorization : Public


Number of copies : 1
No. Call n° Bar code Commentary
1 00024851 [available]
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