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The corona problem:
connections between operator theory, function theory, and geometry.
Selected papers based on the workshop
Toronto # june 2012

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Douglas, Ronald G. (Editor) ; Krantz, Steven G. (Editor) ; Sawyer, Eric T. (Editor) ; Treil, Sergei (Editor) ; Wick, Brett D. (Editor)

Springer;The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences


viii; 231 p.



30-06 ; 30H80 ; 30H05 ; 32A35 ; 32A65 ; 46J10 ; 46E25 ; 47A13 ; 47B32 ; 00B25

problème de corona # analyse harmonique # théorie des opérateurs # analyse fonctionnelle # théorème de corona # surface de Riemann

Publisher City : New York

Publisher country : États-Unis

Language : English

EAN13 : 9781493912544

Collation : 24 cm#rel.

Series : Fields institute communications

Nb in series : 0072

Location : Collection 1er étage

Event Title : The corona problem: connections between operator theory, function theory, and geometry

Event Year : 2012

City of congres : Toronto

Country of congres : Canada

Conference type : Congrès

Availability : empruntable

Level of authorization : Public


Number of copies : 1
No. Call n° Bar code Commentary
1 00038594 [available]
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