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Bifurcation and symmetry
cross influence between mathematics and applications
conference and workshop on..
philipps university
june 2-7,8-14

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Allgower, Eugene L. (Editor) ; Bohmer, K. (Editor) ; Golubitsky, M. (Editor)

Birkhäuser Verlag




00A69 ; 35B32 ; 58E07 ; 58F14

bifurcation # bifurcation de hopf # cristal # equation elliptique # methode numerique # oscillateur # solution d'equation lineaire # solution d'equation lineaire non singuliere # stabilite # surface minimale # symmetrie # systeme elliptique # thermocapilarité

Publisher City : Basel ; Berlin ; Boston

Language : English

EAN13 : 9783764327392

ISBN : 3-7643-2739-1

Collation : 24 cm ; 327 p. ; Bibliogr. ; rel. ; vi

Series : I.S.N.M.

Nb in series : 0104

Location : Colloque 1er étage (MARB)

Event Year : 1991

City of congres : Marburg Dd

Conference type : Congrès

Availability : empruntable

Level of authorization : Public


Number of copies : 1
No. Call n° Bar code Commentary
1 C/MARB/1991 00015170 [available]
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