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Sets and computations.
Papers based on the program 'Sets and computations'
Singapore # March 30 - April 30, 2015

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Friedman, Sy-David (Editor) ; Raghavan, Dilip (Editor) ; Yang, Yue (Editor)

World Scientific


x; 269 p.



03-06 ; 03D20 ; 03E40 ; 03C62 ; 00B25

logique # théorie des ensembles # calcul complexe # théorème de Goodstein # cardinal # limite de Fraïssé # idéal # 10ème problème de Hilbert

Publisher City : Singapore ; Hackensack

Publisher country : Singapour ; États-Unis

Language : English

EAN13 : 9789813223516

ISSN : 1793-0758

Collation : 24 cm#rel.

Series : Lecture notes series, Institute for mathematical sciences, National university of Singapore

Nb in series : 0033

Location : Ouvrage RdC (SETS)

Book type : Anonyme

Availability : empruntable

Level of authorization : Public


Number of copies : 1
No. Call n° Bar code Commentary
1 00040166

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