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Time and frequency representation of signals and systems:
lectures given at the CISM
Udine # september 21-25, 1987

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Longo, Giuseppe (Editor) ; Picinbono, Bernard (Editor)



175 p.



94-06 ; 94-XX ; 94A12 ; 94Axx

circuits # communication # information et communication # théorie du signal

Publisher City : N.Y. ; Udine ; Wien

Publisher country : Italie

Language : English

EAN13 : 9783211821435

ISBN : 3-211-82143-0

Collation : Bibliogr. ; iv#ill.#photogr.#24 cm#broch.

Series : C.I.S.M. courses and lectures

Nb in series : 0309

Location : Colloque 1er étage (UDIN)

Event Title : Time and frequency representation of signals and systems

Event Year : 1987

City of congres : Udine

Country of congres : Italie

Conference type : Congrès

Availability : empruntable

Level of authorization : Public


Number of copies : 1
No. Call n° Bar code Commentary
1 00016547 [available]
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