Feynman amplitudes, periods and motives.
International research workshop on periods and motives - a modern perspective on renormalization
Madrid # July 2-6, 2012
perturbation # dynamique quantique # théorie quantique des champs # amplitude de Feynman # graphe de Feynman
Publisher City : Providence
Publisher country : États-Unis
Language : English
EAN13 : 9781470422479
ISSN : 0271-4132
Collation : 25 cm#broch.
Series : Contemporary mathematics
Nb in series : 0648
Location : Collection 1er étage
Event Title : Periods and motives - a modern perspective on renormalization
Event Year : 2012
City of congres : Madrid
Country of congres : Espagne
Conference type : Congrès
Availability : empruntable
Level of authorization : Public
No. | Call n° | Bar code | Commentary | |
1 | 00039121 | [available] |