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Documents 18M30 3 résultats

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- ix; 227 p.
Cote : 00041716
théorie des représentations # conjecture jacobienne # cohomologie de Hochschild # système de réduction # algèbre matricielle quantique # cellule de Schubert quantique # équation de Gaudin-Bethé # théorie topologique des champs quantiques (TQFT) # catégorie de Bauer # complexe de Rouquier

17-06 ; 16-06 ; 14-06 ; 14R15 ; 16E40 ; 16W20 ; 17B37 ; 35Q53 ; 18M05 ; 57K45 ; 18M30 ; 57K18 ; 57K16

Localisation : Collection 1er étage

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- 1 volume (vi-365 p.)
Cote : 00042038
This book is an introduction to techniques and results in diagrammatic algebra. It starts with abstract tensors and their categorifications, presents diagrammatic methods for studying Frobenius and Hopf algebras, and discusses their relations with topological quantum field theory and knot theory. The text is replete with figures, diagrams, and suggestive typography that allows the reader a glimpse into many higher dimensional processes. The penultimate chapter summarizes the previous material by demonstrating how to braid 3- and 4- dimensional manifolds into 5- and 6-dimensional spaces. The book is accessible to post-qualifier graduate students, and will also be of interest to algebraists, topologists and algebraic topologists who would like to incorporate diagrammatic techniques into their research[-]
This book is an introduction to techniques and results in diagrammatic algebra. It starts with abstract tensors and their categorifications, presents diagrammatic methods for studying Frobenius and Hopf algebras, and discusses their relations with topological quantum field theory and knot theory. The text is replete with figures, diagrams, and suggestive typography that allows the reader a glimpse into many higher dimensional processes. The ...[+]
Algebraic topology # Homology theory # Topologie algébrique # Intersection homology theory # Homologie # Homologie d'intersection

18M30 ; 18N25 ; 55N99 ; 57K10 ; 57K16 ; 57K45 ; 57R42

Localisation : Collection 1er étage

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- viii; 227 p.
Cote : 00040748
groupoïde # théorie des foncteurs # formule de Mackey # équivariant # 2-foncteurs # dérivateur # ambidextérité # monadicité séparable # portées # diagramme de cordes # décomposition motivée # algèbre de Burnside

20J05 ; 18B40 ; 55P91 ; 18M30 ; 18N10 ; 18N25 ; 18N40 ; 19A22 ; 20C99

Localisation : Ouvrage RdC (BALM)

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